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Messages - EpoGlucK

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 37
General Forum / Re: NEW! CFFantasy S21 (former CFF Predictions)
« on: December 01, 2021, 06:03:03 PM »
Done!!  ;D

General / Re: NUEVO! CFFantasy T21 (Sust. predicciones)
« on: November 29, 2021, 09:39:33 PM »
I loviu, me encanta la idea.

General Forum / Re: CFF Prediction Game Season 20
« on: November 17, 2021, 12:19:58 PM »
If going to use wages, its a minor issue with older cyclist, that have previously been very good, but not so good anymore with the decline.

So maybe add a feature something like this:
33 years old - 1 star less than wages
34 years old - 2 star less than wages
35 years old - 3 star less than wages
36 years old + - 1 star

Nice one!

General Forum / Re: CFF Prediction Game Season 20
« on: November 17, 2021, 10:33:44 AM »
It's true that riders coming from 2nd division have low salaries, but I think that those riders either they are young and they are not going to win as much as the experienced riders, or they come riding for teams that are likely going to be relegated again. Of course there will be some exceptions, but all of the participants are free to pick them so everyone is equal.

About the own team +1 star sounds also like a good idea, but gives you a disadvantage if you have more than one top rider in your team, someone that everybody else is going to pick.

I would say just try it rough next season, with no restrictions from your team/teams coming from 2nd division, see how it goes, and then restrictions for the following season.

About the stars, what about:

1 star: not more than 860
2 stars: not more than 1500
3 stars: not more than 4000
4 stars: not more than 8000
5 stars: 8000+

Any way to see a list of riders sorted by salary in game?

Agree, but I would make stars more restrictive.


General Forum / Re: CFF Prediction Game Season 20
« on: November 17, 2021, 10:30:06 AM »
Love It!!
This first time, I suggest to make It simple, just 45 stars based on salary.
More salary-most, means more  experienced cyclist usually. And they only score points for classics and tours. Later we will see if NT, and stages from tours too. Changes in teams un middle season, sounds super interesting

General / Re: Fin de la juventud
« on: October 11, 2021, 11:31:30 AM »
El líder de mi segunda generación:

Aziz Kavalerov   Age : 24   Wage : 852
Stamina : 88   Sprint : 24   Climbing : 97
Flat : 84   Cobblestone : 34   Technique : 74
Downhill : 83   Hills : 91   Aggressiveness : 93

Time Trial : 17   Teamwork : 37   Experience : 57
Price :   Days left :   Stages raced : 0

General / Re: La Copa Mapei - una aventura cff-
« on: July 21, 2021, 09:03:13 AM »
Gran trabajo Davilo!!
Bicis nos merece ser el Movistar, nadie se merece ese castigo :p

Suggestions / Re: [English] - Suggestions
« on: June 08, 2021, 08:57:41 AM »
Tactical winners obviously. Variable talent makes you to be checking the talent of your riders season after season to adjust the training to the best possible way. Not once on the first week of training and then plan the training ahead for the rest of the riders life.

What I don't get is why would you like to remove talent altogether. Wouldn't that make the game more simple and maybe boring?

So what is the reason for variable talent now? Some say it is to make the game less predictable, but how many riders are really trained so that they end up like they are "predicted". This is already hard enough for most managers with fixed talents, so why add another layer of difficulty?

In my opinion, the biggest advantage is to reduce the gap between experienced mánagers and new ones. The usual pull of Young riders, where we sell the low talented to non experienced managers will be less dramátic for them.

Suggestions / Re: [English] - Suggestions
« on: June 04, 2021, 04:47:11 PM »
I am 100% agree for the variability of talent. It Will make the game more balanced between old and new managers.

The new WC are a massive improvement, I would also add stages to NTeams, mount-hill and sprint-hills are rarely seen in the calendar.

About the age dropping skills, I do not have an opinion yet, so everything sounds good.

The most important os to see that the game is Alive  ;D.Thx for the effort Oska

General Forum / Re: In Search Of
« on: May 17, 2021, 12:02:51 PM »
Hi all, I,m not doing the Peachey-lotto this year, anyway I`m looking for Ukranian 19 yo riders,

I do not have many empty places, but if you scout a top hiller, I´ll pay extremely good.

I do no t care about hills, 50 would be ok,but the cyclist should be top

General / Re: SPRINTERS, cuanto mas acelero...
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:34:13 PM »
Oro para Cletus  ;D

Clovis Beart   Edad : 22   Sueldo : 846
Resistencia : 69   Sprint : 94   Montaña : 14
LLano : 91   Pavés : 32   Tecnica : 84
Descenso : 11   Colinas : 90   Agresividad : 85
Crono : 11   TraEqui : 23   Experiencia : 41

Jueeee :o, llano y sprint a 99? dime q sí, dime q sí!!!

General / Re: La Copa Mapei - una aventura cff-
« on: April 09, 2021, 08:50:29 AM »

Oye, ha quedado muy bien la foto!!

Currazo, me ha gustado la firma de Abilió  :o

Selecciones Nacionales / Re: Ukrania
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:58:38 PM »
Convocatoria para la etapa Sprint llano, no pinta muy bien, la buena noticia es que viendo las edades, Ucrania tiene futuro en estas etapas :)

Olexiy Farkov   82,94   27
Said Meda           85,51   26
Albert Pechinin   83,44   23
Lev Feofanov   82,5           23
Gor Morev           81,32   22
Ismel Tlisov   82,14   22
Ostap Kukin   82           22
Platon Shalin   80,94   22
Said Gavenko   80,01   22

General Forum / Re: In Search Of
« on: April 04, 2021, 09:19:25 PM »
Melocoton Lottery

New edition of the famous lottery!If u want to play, just scout ukranians and win amazing prizes  ;D ;D

These are the rules for gambling in this lottery.
Next saturday evening I ´ll make the 2 bids, of at least 5 millions, to the:

 19 yo ukranian rider in transfermarket at that time with:
1- A bid of 5 millions to the 19yo ukranian rider with the highest salary.
2-A bid of 5 millions, to the 19yo ukranian rider with the bigger X, where X = Climbing+agress -Hills-Teamwork

**3**- In adittion there is a "ongoin" lottery for the first one to get a 860 salary in a 19yo ukranian rider, this rider has a minimun bet of 10 millions. This ongoing lottery will last only until 1 st race of Volta Catalunya(not included), and only to the first one to post his rider in this topic.(in case of 2 people scouting the same day)

In case of draw for the lottery 1 and 2, I choose the rider

Ladin Martjanov    Edad : 19    Sueldo : 860
Resistencia : 26    Sprint : 63    Montaña : 44
LLano : 51    Pavés : 37    Tecnica : 34
Descenso : 45    Colinas : 50    Agresividad : 40
Crono : 19    TraEqui : 46    Experiencia : 0

 ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D

La verdad que puede ser un weirdo molon con sus 44 montaña y 63 sprint, a ver que sale, pq no creo que nadie vaya a a pujar más que yo.

Congratulations Rekutxu, and with this scout we close the lotto for this season!

I will we looking for ukranian riders a bit further ion the season anyway!

General Forum / Re: In Search Of
« on: April 04, 2021, 09:17:11 PM »
And the winners are:

High Salary:Fiestina

Odissey Yagudin   Age : 19   Wage : 858
Stamina : 51   Sprint : 49   Climbing : 14
Flat : 51   Cobblestone : 44   Technique : 69
Downhill : 1   Hills : 59   Aggressiveness : 74
Time Trial : 20   Teamwork : 23   Experience : 0
Price : 1   Days left : 2   Stages raced : 0

Biggest X:galegospolabici (I ll fix lottery rules for next seasons  ::) )

Odissey Yagudin   Age : 19   Wage : 858
Stamina : 51   Sprint : 49   Climbing : 14
Flat : 51   Cobblestone : 44   Technique : 69
Downhill : 1   Hills : 59   Aggressiveness : 74
Time Trial : 20   Teamwork : 23   Experience : 0
Price : 1   Days left : 2   Stages raced : 0

Thieves are always one step ahead the law :D

I had not thought about my "polemic" move until I saw that my rider with the second highest "X" had a bid on the same day. I thought that someone could be trying to do a +4M benefit with my rider, so I tried to do a +5M benefit with Yagudin, ending up finally with a +6M profit :O

Next year I will scout in Ukraine again, looking forward for new lottery rules  :P

That´s something ^^, at least we will have new riders to select in NT

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