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Topics - WinterIsComing

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Bug in HHHFF Romandia?
« on: June 26, 2020, 08:34:12 AM »
Not sure, but there might be a profile bug in the last night's race (HHHFF), esp. section 3.

Seems odd that 2 seperate groups in s2 (hills), come together in a hill section in s3. Was it counted as a flat section perhaps? Than it would make more sense. My leader was cut in s2, but without helpers, he was able to come back in s3. Not complaining about that happening, but I guess we all remind the discussion about strange races and taking notes for future races.

Maybe Oska can look into this.

Nationaal Team / [Nederland] Analyse <24 jaar
« on: January 10, 2020, 10:21:24 PM »
In dit topic zullen met enige regelmaat de GV-lijsten terug te vinden zijn van onze Nederlandse renners <24 jaar. Ik gebruik daarvoor het oude format dat ik nog op de laptop had staan van CFF2.

Disclaimer: De berekeningen per categorie zijn geen weerspiegeling van de percentages zoals deze gebruikt worden voor de icoontjes. Zo zijn in de categorie klim-vlak bijvoorbeeld ook percentages dalen en techniek meegerekend, zodat het meer op een klimrit met een of twee vlakke secties lijkt.

Lijsten Seizoen 7, NT-Race 01, <24 jaar

Bugs / NT Calendar
« on: January 10, 2020, 11:59:15 AM »
I think a trainee from UCI made a mistake while copying this season's NT Calendar, as we have the same stage twice.  :P

Not sure if this should be able to happen, but personally, I think it's not fun for NT managers to have to run the same stage twice in 1 season. Especially when it's a TT where no tactics can be applied. Not much honor to gain in it.

Algemeen / Nieuwe rakkers
« on: March 18, 2019, 07:38:44 PM »
Mijn eerste pull in het nieuwe spel is direct een levende legende.  :P

Tjeerd Nauta   Age : 19   Wage : 375
Stamina : 31   Sprint : 44   Climbing : 10
Flat : 24   Cobblestone : 4   Technique : 3
Downhill : 20   Hills : 64   Aggressiveness : 29
Time Trial : 39   Teamwork : 3   Experience : 0
Price :    Days left :    Stages raced : 0

Bugs / Comments about your rider
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:20:16 PM »
Don't know if it's a bug or it has something to do with my own laptop/server, but it seems impossible for me to imply more than 1 line of text. Anything more than that, or a picture, doesn't save properly.

Bugs / Team % Rankings doesn't work
« on: January 23, 2019, 10:12:05 AM »
When you click on the team's accomplished victories, you will be forwarded to a screen where you can see which races, tours and jerseys your team has won in 1st division. You can also click on the CFF-rankings, to see where your team is ranked compared to other teams. This link doesn't work though (it gives a 404 error code).

Bugs / Achievements
« on: October 27, 2018, 02:38:31 PM »
When looking in the Supporters section > Achievements, there are already a few managers with achievements. When you click on the number in the column the most right of the screen, it shows which teams have accomplished the achievement. They link to other teams though.

For instance, the 'Top 5' achievement seems to be accomplished by 3 teams, turu, OskaTeam and peto. All achievements are dated on dates before the beta went online, perhaps this was a beta-beta with only a few teams of Oska himself? Anyway, when you click on turu, it will lead to OskaTeam (ID is 1), OskaTeam links to Drulo (ID =2) and peto links to mortovia (ID = 3). Maybe it has something to do with the ID-numbers of the teams, and it just needs a simple reset?

Bugs / Forum settings in Spanish language
« on: October 25, 2018, 11:23:10 AM »
I had to use Google Translate in order to reset the forum language to English through my own profile. Perhaps it would be more user friendly to foreign players (especially new players) if the original forum language is English instead of Spanish?

Bugs / Signing up for races
« on: October 25, 2018, 11:17:01 AM »
After signing up a cyclist for a race, you are not redirected to the signing up screen, but instead it gives an error screen.
When returning to the page, the cyclist is signed up though.

Bugs / 'News' button doesn't work
« on: October 25, 2018, 11:10:17 AM »
The 'News' button on the left of the screen doesn't seem to work.

It gives a '404 Not Found' message.

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