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Topics - wacco

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Lost icon
« on: December 25, 2022, 07:15:45 PM »
My rider demoted his starts from nine to two with the update. Stats are still the same but the stars and icons are gone with the wind.

Angel Gabriel Aguinaga   Leeftijd : 32   Salaris : 1200
Conditie : 90   Sprinten : 12   Klimmen : 62
Vlak : 94   Kasseien : 17   Techniek : 91
Dalen : 38   Heuvels : 77   Explosiviteit : 17
Tijdrijden : 97   Knechten : 7   Ervaring : 100
Prijs : 1   Resterende dagen : 1   Geracet : 0

it is not a 10 star rider anymore I know but two stars are pretty low in my opinion :p

Bugs / Wrong time next race
« on: April 18, 2022, 07:39:57 AM »
Since two seasons I see when logging in the time for next race is a minus time giving me the time since last race.

For example. At this moment it says next race in 0 days -12 hours -36 minutes -10 seconds.

Just after the race the clock is rest to 0 and it starts running backwards again.

Bugs / Changed my password
« on: August 12, 2021, 09:43:04 AM »
Today I changed my password with a . in it. While changing there was no error but now I can not log in anymore. I get the message _caracter. If the password would have been wrong I should get access denied!!!! :-p

Osca can you help me not losing my account and team? You can pm me here.

I have put my tactics for tonight but vuelta I still need to do.

Bugs / Supporter
« on: March 18, 2021, 06:27:34 AM »
I want to buy a supporter pack but the link via PayPal is not working. Is only with me?

Also the question I asked here to Osca via mail. What is the account number for a bank transfer?

General Forum / Questions - Ask Anything
« on: April 01, 2019, 07:30:58 PM »
A place where you can ask the other managers your questions

Bugs / Cff cup
« on: April 01, 2019, 07:15:51 AM »
I want to ask for a reset in the cff cup.

I can not see any stages etc. Thought o maby not this season. But i just read somewhere there was a race last night.

Maybe the use of chrome has something to do with it but not really fair to race a race if you cant see the race

Bugs / Transfermarket and training wrong information
« on: March 31, 2019, 11:45:59 PM »
The following is standing on the webpage

The market takes place every day at 01:00 AM, CFF time. There is no market on the weekend, Sunday 01:00AM.

There is no training on Sunday 01:00AM and 07:00AM.

Old news I thinks, wrong information

Nationaal Team / NT Belgie
« on: March 28, 2019, 05:12:19 PM »
Hoe gaat dit eigenlijk in zijn werk gaan binnenkort?

Alle tegelijk of eerst u21 twee seizoenen later u23 en dan nog eens twee seizoenen later elite?

Bugs / Notes
« on: March 28, 2019, 08:27:51 AM »
when making a note from past races (all the way on below the list of riders), you get a 404 error when clicking on ok

Algemeen / Talent
« on: March 27, 2019, 07:22:36 AM »
Eerder al gevraagd, maar heeft er iemand al een tool om talent te berekenen? Die oude is echt niet meer bruikbaar.

Ik heb een renner skill 60+ die op 3 trainingen een punt gestegen is, ik heb twee renners die op 2 trainingen met 40+ skill een punt gestegen zijn. Gaat verdomd sneller dus.

Bugs / Forum
« on: March 24, 2019, 10:35:59 PM »
Everytime I come to the forum from the general website I have to log in again, even when i put the box on log in forever.

Pages: [1]