These two pages contains basic staff information. I won't repeat what's there. of what's below is more technical information which has been made public.
* Hiring & Firing & General *
* You may hire staff members at any time. The staff market has new available staff appearing 6 times a day
(every four hours starting from 0:38AM); with those not hired within a day disappearing.
* Firing a staff member costs the following
1st division: 30 weeks of sacked staff member wages
2nd division: 15 weeks wages
3rd division: 10 weeks wages
4th division: 7.5 weeks wages* However between seasons, you can fire a staff member for free. The season finishes on a Thursday 5:00am (after race 91). The game updates at 00:00 A.M. From this moment till the next Monday at 5:00 A.M (when the new season starts), it costs zero to fire your staff.
* Staff Retires at age 65
* Staff attributes don't change with time or any other events.
* Doctor & Masseur *
* Cumulative Fatigue & Health Loss*
* HEALTH POINT LOSS TO COMPETEWith no doctor or masseur, your cyclist will lose 20 health points with every stage he races. This makes a doctor's & masseur's combined cumulative fatigue score extremely important. Their combined score in this area will reduce race health loss by the amounts below.
00 to 05 06 to 15 16 to 25 26 to 35 36 to 45 46 to 55 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15
56 to 65 66 to 75 76 to 85 86 to 95 96 to 105 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10
106 to 115 116 to 125 126 to 135 136 to 145 146 to 155 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5
156 to 165 166 to 175 176 to 185 186 to 194 195 to 202 -4 -3 -2 -1 -0
Therefore, if the sum of doctor-masseur fatigue is greater than 194, your cyclist doesn't lose health when competing (Note: Can personally confirm that 99 & 96 = 0 health loss in races).
* Recovery & Health Gain *
* HEALTH GAIN POINTS TO RESTWith no doctor or masseur, your cyclist will gain 10 health points with every training session he rests from. A doctor's & masseur's combined recovery score will increase this by the amounts below.
00 to 09 10 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 89 90 to 109 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15
110 to 129 130 to 149 150 to 169 170 to 189 190 to 202 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20
(Note: health doesn't affect training effectiveness - only race effectiveness)* Form *
* Cyclist's Form with no doctor or masseur - Less than 5 stages will be raced with 90 form.
- 5 to 14 = 93 form
- From 15 to 24 = 100 form
- 25 to 34 = 92 form
- From 35 to 44 = 87 form
- From 45 to 54 = 82 form
- More than 54 = 75 form(note : form under 90 will reduce training effectiveness)* Form GainA doctor's & masseur's form benefit is calculated separately at
1 - 9 = 0 bonus
10 - 29 = 1 bonus
30 - 49 = 2 bonus
50 - 69 =3 bonus
70 - 89 = 4 bonus
+90 = 5 bonusThis means a doctor with 11 form & masseur with 31 form [42 total] will gain each cyclist a +3 form bonus; but a doctor & masseur both with 29 form [58 total] will only gain each cyclist +2 form.
+3 form is important, because it means a cyclist can be in 44 races without acquiring training effectiveness penalties (instead of 34).
+8 form (ie doctor 55[+3] & masseur 92[+5]) means a cyclist can be in 54 races without acquiring training effectiveness penalties.Just a reminder that low form will also reduce race performance
(as does low health).
(note : form can't go over 100%)* Training Camp Bonus *
Normally, with no staff training camp skill, your cyclists will gain +3, +2 & +1 bonus in three skills (depending on training selected) for 15 race days after completing a training camp.
Doctor & Masseur training camp skill simply provides your cyclists with an extra bonus for 15 race days after completing the training camp.
(Note: amount of increase hasn't been revealed)Mechanic
* Breakdowns *
* "Breakdowns" has influence in all sections and all stagesBased on Skuk's & Pantani's explainations:The system works like a random lottery. Each race section, your cyclist will have a random luck number (say from 0 to 100). A luck number of 0-5 will equal a fall, whilst a luck number between 6-10 equals a mechanical breakdown. As such, in this lottery, your cyclist may have an incident 10% of the time.
00 to 05 06 to 10 11 to 100 fall mechanical no incident
(My Note : Actual accident chance may be different than stated)However, if you have a mechanic, his breakdown skill increases the possible maximum luck number, say from a maximum of 100, to a maximum of 200. What this means is that with more numbers in the luck lottery, the chances of drawing a bad luck number (0-10) is reduced.
00 to 05 06 to 10 11 to 200 fall mechanical no incident
(My Note : Actual accident chance may be different than stated)* Equipment Improvements *
If you have a mechanic/marketing manager, his equipment improvement/equipment skill will determine the likelihood of your equipment improving each (real) day (every second game day).
According to the old Spanish forum (from CCF2), this works on a luck lottery basis, the higher skill your staff has, the more likely your equipment will improve.
If there are 500 numbers in the lottery.
Zero skill = zero lottery tickets = zero chance of equipment improvement each (real) day
50 skill = 50 tickets = 10% chance of equipment improvement each day
100 skill = 100 tickets = 20% chance of equipment improvement each day(Note : Actual equipment improvement chance may be different than stated)This chance appears to be individual for each staff member, so you might be lucky and gain two equipment improvements in one day, or be unlucky and not gain any improvement for 5 days (even with max skill).
Note: All info is based on best known public knowledge.