Unfortunately I have to make a choice between my 22yo training project and this 20yo training project for sale.
Both have a high talent rating and both can be amazing with the right training, but they need very different training, so, one has to go.
And because I need space in my team desperately, Coppi is for sale for the ridiculous low amount of just 2½ M.

If you want a future
top TT specialist and/or if you want to make
many millions profit, this is your chance !
Massimiliano Coppi 
according to my calculation/estimation, he has talent rating 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Età : 20 Paga : 843
Resistenza : 80 Sprint : 2 Montagna : 34
Pianura : 77 Pavé : 58
Tecnica : 61Discesa : 36 Collina : 11 Aggressività : 4
Crono : 75 La_Squ : 55 Esperienza : 2
Prezzo :
2 500 000 Giorni : 2 Gare Disputate : 0
https://www.cyclingforfun.org/cff/vision.php?ciclistaid=198460From the Italian NT topic ;
e infine gli under 21. Battistoni nei crono e Facci negli sprinter sembrano promettere.
Commento di Volpe : "Possibile che Coppi sia migliore di Battistoni, anche perché Coppi ha un nome più carino per un ciclista."