Bugs / Bug in HHHFF Romandia?
« on: June 26, 2020, 08:34:12 AM »
Not sure, but there might be a profile bug in the last night's race (HHHFF), esp. section 3.
Seems odd that 2 seperate groups in s2 (hills), come together in a hill section in s3. Was it counted as a flat section perhaps? Than it would make more sense. My leader was cut in s2, but without helpers, he was able to come back in s3. Not complaining about that happening, but I guess we all remind the discussion about strange races and taking notes for future races.
Maybe Oska can look into this.
Seems odd that 2 seperate groups in s2 (hills), come together in a hill section in s3. Was it counted as a flat section perhaps? Than it would make more sense. My leader was cut in s2, but without helpers, he was able to come back in s3. Not complaining about that happening, but I guess we all remind the discussion about strange races and taking notes for future races.
Maybe Oska can look into this.