Stage 2 -- Mountains
15 Richard Washington 31 0: 45" 70 SPORTLIFE Leader 20334
34 Sam Sweet 31 1: 12" 0 OphiukoCT Free 30450
82 Isaiah Friend 25 1: 47" 0 Telleriarte Free 30441
88 Phil Clemente 27 1: 49" 0 KingMiller2 Helper 31440
89 Bobby Laybutt 28 1: 50" 0 Flandria Helper 31440
91 Andy Panes 31 1: 50" 0 Arahal Helper 31440
101 Ian Fox 28 1: 57" 0 Yvo_Meppelink_ProCycling Helper 31440
116 Tim Stamer 25 2: 06" 0 KASTORAMA Helper 31440
124 Matt Janson 23 2: 16" 0 Mlb Helper 31440
Washington was okay and had help in the first two sections but was on his own thereafter.