29 ºC

Australia NT selection:Paddy Friend (28) JGMTeam
James Bush (29) Antequera
Fergus Emerton (32) Quickstepbronx
Nate Gailes (29) Elgrand
Rob Mitchell (27) Villavante
Danny Gill (29) ICSluj
Callum Carpenter (25) Rekutxuteam
Young talents:Derek Jons (23) RHyNeStOnEs
Sammy Alfier (22) Aurora_Australis
Results:3º Paddy Friend
225p Team Captain
13º James Bush
90p Free Role
15º Fergus Emerton
70p Helper
An impressive podium place of Paddy Friend including a mechanical breakdown on the last and decisive section.
Good points of Bush and Emerton as free role and helper, respectively.

40 ºC

Australia NT selection:Garret Mitchum (26) Manicomicos_Cycling_Team
Stu Vaughn (25) JGMTeam
Barret Ryan (28) RajenKujen
Garret Woods (27) FlyEaglesFly
Jason Cooper (26) Manicomicos_Cycling_Team
Des Brown (29) JackyTeam
Barry Carpenter (29) LottoGranadier
Results:3º Garret Mitchum
225p Team Captain
17º Stu Vaughn
40p Free Role
Second Australian podium of the season by team captain Garret Mitchum and some more points scored by Stu Vaughan as free role.
Australia takes the lead on the team championship (650p). Netherlands (590p) and Russia (580p) complete the podium.