S15 NT Race 3
Outlook and results:
As has been pointed out by others, sprint races are like that line from the movie Forrest Gump. You know, this one:
I did know the wind would be near hurricane force for the stage, and my designated captain, Bruce Saucedo, is a three-wind icon guy, so could he come through for the USA? I didn't know what to expect but, as always, I hoped for a result.
The big mystery in sprints is how much energy to expend prior to the final section. Given the right circumstances, it is possible for a rider to spend zero EPs in the lead-up sections, and if he can avoid being dropped, he'll achieve the best possible result. The zero EP holy grail is more likely suicidal than remotely possible for an NT race. Trying such a thing reminds me of another Forrest Gump quote. You know, this one:
Believe me, the above has applied to me in the past as I've attempted to negotiate the steep learning curve that is thrust upon a neophyte NT coach, but I'm happy to report that as I've persevered, my idiocy score has decreased.

Anyway, regarding EPS, for this race, I assigned 4 (of 7 possible) for Saucedo in the opening four sections. It's almost a given that for a sprint race, a rider needs 5eps in the final section to score, but, as I reviewed the section times of the top 20 riders for this race, I noted that Great Britain, which placed four riders in the points, and totaled 470 for the stage (good work!), likely had some of those four not expending 5eps in the end. Of course, another possibility is that some spent 5, 6 or 7 EPs in the opening four sections.
What I was trying hard to avoid is Saucedo getting dropped in S1, so I had him ride aggressively there. Well, it worked but, when I checked the S1 results and saw that 144 (of 171) riders made the lead group, the S word from above bounced around in my head. Three EPs were too much, I thought.
So, hoping to spare myself pain, I next clicked on the link for S4 and saw Saucedo @ :20 with five teammates. In front was a lead group of 22. Well, not this time, I thought to myself.
To see how badly I had screwed up, I next clicked on S5 and was amazed(!) to see that Saucedo had made it to the Top 20.
To see how he (and the others in the Top 20) did it, see below.
*GSR = Golden Sprint Rank