RACE 6 :

Pau, France, NT race 3 was also a flat sprint race, and Caan finished as 3rd.
Hopefully again a top result, and even better, hopefully Caan can compete for the individual NT jersey.
But this will be very difficult, because I assume that he has only a chance if he wins this race, ór that his rivals have a disaster race.
And a disaster race can happen to Caan too.
Fortunately the battle for another World Championship of Australia seems already decided due to the current very big gap in points.
nr 2 Switzerland did not score in previous sprint race, where nr 3 the Netherlands did great with a victory and a total of 500 points.
But even if the Netherlands have again a great sprint race and Australia a disaster race with zero points ; it seems we can affort it.
The same sprint selection as in NT race 3 = all 5 golden flatsprinters + the best silver flatsprinter.
Also Pernom ( the flatcobble teamcaptain of next NT race 7 ) rides again the sprint race for extra xp.
The final 2 spots are again for young xp cyclists, but maybe I select other talents as in NT race 3, and both will be selected later.
edit ; Today the final 2 are selected ;
One of the promising 20yo flat TT specialists makes his debut, and also a debut for the 25yo Duncan, a hills-TT-specialist.
A NT hills-TT is rare, just a few times on the NT calendar, but Duncan is the best ranked hills TT specialist of CFF,
who won today the TdF time trial stage 3 in a CFF record, so, enough reasons to give him his debut, what looks nice on his profile page.
Australia NT selection :
Jasper Caan ( 31 ) SaulSalinasTeam
Horace Stamer ( 28 ) TeamEuroscalt
Adrian Janson ( 28 ) Villavante
Rob Blixter* ( 28 ) TeamEuroscalt
Reggie Milne ( 32 ) CaptainOrange
Luke Morse ( 28 ) FaustoScoppi
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Bob Pernom ( 24 ) PDM_cycling_team
Duke Duncan ( 25 ) Quickstepbronx
( debut )Edward Garza ( 20 ) Teamclaes
( debut )