Vuelta stage 1, hills-TT 23km ( 2x wind ) ; 44º Christensen 1:28"
With a mechanical breakdown in s2.
Vuelta stage 2, C^MDMC^ 280 km ( 1x wind ) ; 11º
Christensen 0:43"
Unfortunately all his teammates could not help somewhere with 55200. Christensen even got a sleeping icon in dh s3.
And his result is a bit dissapointing, probably 0:14" faster was possible, even in an isolated race.
Vuelta stage 3, flat-TT 52km ; 46º Christensen 2:37"
Vuelta stage 4, CCCFF ( storm ! ) ; 46º Christensen 2:02"
Most likely a strategic mistake not to select a helper for this stage.
Christensen had to do it on his own, and finishing one group better ( easily, due to a helper ) is already a difference of 0:23"
Vuelta stage 5, flat-climb ( 1x wind ) ; 12º
Christensen 0:32"
Beckham ( free role )
Ups, a tactical mistake of at least 0:11" or possible even more.
Because Christensen was isolated the whole race, ánd had bad luck in s5 by just missing the cut, he finished as 1st of a group of 10.
I hoped that Meijer and Caneschi could help, but their 5 EP start was too slow.
And I expected that Szõnyi would help, but what I thought was a risk-free start of 4 EP, appeared to be not good enough.
Free role Beckham scored way less extra points than I expected, and with wisdom after the race, of course he should have been a helper.
Halfway the Vuelta, Christensen is
8º GC on 1:38"
And early in this season, I accepted a top 7 GC Vuelta sponsordeal.
Perhaps it will be my 3rd big tour GC sponsordeal that I'm not going to achieve this season. I guess that I suck in big tour tactics.

Hopefully the 2nd half of the Vuelta goes better, and Christensen can move up one GC place. But very uncertain if he is capable to do that.